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Location Profile – Cleethorpes & Grimsby

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Cleethorpes in East Yorkshire, near Grimsby, is an under appreciated and under used film location and that made it perfect for Wait for Me.  We wanted to find somewhere that the audience would not immediately recognise and it was because of this we decided to film all of our beach scenes and the exteriors of Karen’s flat. The beautiful beach was the ideal spot for our seaside scenes and we loved it so much we later went back and shot ariel footage of the beach and surrounding countryside with a drone.  During pre-production we recce’d a few seaside locations but Cleethorpes quickly became our favourite choice. The expansive beach with old fairground and pier was both visually interesting, evoking past glory but also mirrored our central character Alison’s desire to turn back time and fix the wrongs of her past. Storywise it also felt like a place that has been cut off from the world; a town where you can hide and start a new life. For the exterior of Karen’s flat in Wait For Me, we recced a few places but in the end chose a block of flats with interesting colours and textured geometry in the nearby fishing town of Grimsby. When we first visited the location what immediately caught our eye was the large mosaic of a fishing boat fighting through stormy seas on the front. We loved the unusual look of the building, and thought it would stand out on screen. We later learned that it was an ex-Fisherman’s Mission building, which provided refuge to fishermen and their families from 1966, which we thought was a fitting location for Karen to be living in as she sought refuge and a new life away from the criminal circles her sister and father frequented in Halifax. Filming in Cleethorpes was brilliant, we had plenty of sunshine and at one point a double rainbow on the horizon (a beautiful continuity nightmare!). The locals were very friendly and interested in what we were doing and our cast and crew enjoyed a few days by the seaside!

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